Incompatible with God's Design
A History of the Women's Ordination Movement in the U.S. Roman Catholic Church
By Mary Jeremy Daigler
Incompatible with God�s Design is the first comprehensive history of the Roman Catholic women�s ordination movement in the United States. Mary Jeremy Daigler explores how the focus on ordination, and not merely �increased participation� in the life and ministries of the church, has come to describe a broad movement. Moving well beyond the role of such organizations as the Women�s Ordination Conference, this study also addresses the role of international and local groups.
- Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal
- by Michael D'Antonio
The narrative exposes the dynamics of the greatest crisis the Catholic Church in America has ever faced. The story weaves together the metamorphosis of a cast of characters who took on the corruption of one of the most powerful institutions in the world.
That includes Tom Doyle, Jason Berry, Richard Sipe, Barbara Blain, John Manly, Pat Wall, and others.
Philadelphia Report
By Philadelphia Investigating Grand Jury
Forward by Marci A. Hamilton
This document is an important resource for anyone looking into the Catholic crisis and the dynamics of clergy abuse. It also demonstrates that the current Statutes of Limitations are restrictive in addressing the problem of abuse of minors in the State of Pennsylvania.
Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church
by Jason Berry
For more than 25 years, investigative reporter Berry has been at the forefront of exposing sexual abuses by Catholic clergy. In "Render Unto Rome," Berry turns his attention to a different kind of corruption in this investigation of the financial secrets (and alleged deceptions) of the Roman Catholic Church. What happens after checks or cash are dropped into the collection basket? Where does the money go when a diocese sells property for tens of millions of dollars? In light of the more than $2 billion (actually 3 billion) paid out in recent years to the victims of clergy sexual abuse in the United States alone, Berry "follows the money," from U.S. parishes to the Vatican, exposing what he believes are practices that fly in the face of Catholic moral teaching and values.
by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson
This is a spiritual autobiography. It is touching, personal and above all, honest. It�s a must for those who have found their participation in the sex abuse nightmare a spiritual collision with older values.
by Geoffrey Robinson, Australian-born London-based lawyer
I won�t go into a long review of this outstanding book....just a warning. It is about the Holy See�s toxic antics in the arena of international politics through its affiliation with the U.N. Why the warning? If you are involved in the cause of justice for victims...or anyone....and if you are frustrated with the duplicity of the institutional Church, this book will make your blood boil by the end of the second chapter.
BEYOND BELIEF. by David Yallop
There are a number of books out that describe in a factual manner the clergy sex abuse "scandal" that has been galloping along for over 25 years. It is outstanding and has information that I was not aware of, especially from the UK and continental Europe. Its not that long ...218 pages. A single-source summary of the issue and has a very helpful bibliography.
SACRILEGE - Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
by Leon J. Podles
For the first time, an author skilled in investigations and with knowledge of theology and history surveys and analyzes the crisis of the largest institution in the world. Sacrilege explores the deep roots of the Catholic Church�s sexual abuse scandal, for the first time revealing its full depth and breadth. As former Federal Investigator Leon Podles documents, the abuse is not limited to a few well-publicized cases in New England; instead it has occurred in every type of Catholic institution, in every time period, throughout the world.