Consultant and Expert Witness:
Mr. Sipe served as a consultant or expert witness in 250 cases of clergy abuse of minors and other clergy professional malfeasance in the United States and Canada, 1988-2011; and deposed 45 times.

To the District Attorney's Office of Orange County, California, Rosemary Froeberg, and her staff (detectives, social service, and lawyers) for investigation of child abuse. August 20, 2002.
To the District Attorney's Office of Los Angeles, Division of Childhood Protection, Assistant District Attorney William Hodgman and staff. (DA's from Ventura County and San Francisco also attended.) December 11, 2002 & October 14, 2004.
To the staff of the Attorney General's office of the State of Massachusetts preparing to convene a Grand Jury investigation of abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. December 16, 2002 & January 2, 2003.
With the Attorneys of the city of Philadelphia conducting a Grand Jury investigation of minor abuse by Catholic priests. May 1, 2003.
Witness before the Philadelphia Grand Jury investigating sexual abuse by Catholic priests. May 8, 2003.
To the Attorney General of California, district of San Diego (Assistant Peter Quon) in the criminal prosecution of priests accused of sexual abuse of a minor. June 15, 2003
Witness before the National Review Board convened by the American Bishops to investigate the child abuse crisis. May 6, 2002.
Expert Trial Witness:
Mr. Sipe had been presented at trials as an expert on (1) the sexual abuse of minors; (2) the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests; and (3) the sexual behaviors of members of an organization that professes the complete sexual abstinence (celibacy) of its members. * Wilmington, DE.
Kimberly Phillips vs. Fr. Timothy Sugrue, Marist Fathers & the Military Ordinariate. District Court of Arkansas, Western Division, Little Rock, 1993
Daubert Hearing: Does I-VI vs. Fr. Ed Klister & the Diocese of El Paso, Texas. (Drs. Doyle, Foote & Sipe) October 20, 1999.
Expert Witness at the Sentencing Hearing: Case of the US vs. Fr. Richard Poster in the Federal Court of Des Moines, Iowa, January 22, 2004.
Mr. & Mrs. Doe vs. Fr. H. & the Archdiocese of St. Paul, Minnesota. February 18, 2005.
Machado vs. Fr. Arakal & the Diocese of Stockton, Stockton, California, March 11, 2005.
Kavanaugh vs. Fr. Pritchard & the Diocese of Oakland, California, Alameda County, California, July 11, 2005.
Sheehan vs. Fr. Norris - Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Wilmington, Delaware, 2009.

Depositions 2005-2011:
John Doe 1&2 v Franciscans (Frs. Crumm & Manville) OC, August 24, 2011.
John VG Doe v RC Archbishop Mahony of LA, August 19 2011.
Does v Fr. Munroe & Archdiocese of Indianapolis, IN. January 7, 2010.
Baye v Diocese of Rapid City, SD; November 17, 2009.
Narvarez v Diocese of El Paso, TX; September 3, 2008.
John Doe v Patino & Diocese of Galveston, TX; December 7, 2007.
Chevdden v Jesuit-California Province, November, 2007.
Does v Miani & Salesians of Don Bosco, CA Province; October 24, 2007.
Jane Doe v Bishop of Orange, CA; September 10, 2007.
Robb v Archdiocese of Seattle, WA; August 27, 2007.
Liano v Diocese of Phoenix, AZ. 2006.
Doe 17 v Salesian Society of Don Bosco, San Francisco, CA. 2005.
Gay v Paquette & Diocese of Burlington, VT. 2005
Cesolini v Fushek et al Diocese of Phoenix, AZ. 2005.
Doe v Pilarczyk & Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH. 2005.
This list may be incomplete due to computer default.
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