new thesis is slowly being formulated and tested: Catholic
seminaries and religious training is psychopathogenic.
Seminaries are unhealthy places—psychologically and morally. Quite
simply, sexual activity by faculty and students (among other
factors) in institutions that are explicitly dedicated to celibacy
and perfect and perpetual chastity poses contradictions of mammoth
proportions. The underground sexual activity and tolerance of it
creates an atmosphere of corruptibility, individual and corporate.
Sociologist, Anson Shupe of Indiana/Purdue, has developed the most
comprehensive explanation of the dynamics of clergy misconduct of
any current scholar. His latest contribution is Rogue Clerics
He convincingly describes the criminogenic capacity of
clerical culture. His earlier analysis of the problems of deviant
clergy are classic and establish the foundations for understanding
clergy misbehavior.
The crisis in the Catholic Church has spotlighted one facet of
celibate failure of bishops and priests—sex abuse of minors. But
larger questions remain—the extent of the problem, the causes of the
aberration, and most importantly, the origins of sexual abuse in
Catholic clergy. Are sexual abusers attracted to the priesthood in a
special way? Does sexual deprivation lead some men to attack
children? Or
more to the point—do seminaries and training programs
condition and help develop sexual abusers? That is one problem of
the psychopathogenesis.
Father Andrew Greeley, a sociologist by training, has written a
narrative that exquisitely describes the training and development of
a clergyman who embodies the qualities of psychopathogenic
schooling: namely, seminarian-father-bishop-cardinal Pat Donohue one
of the main characters in The Cardinal Sins.
The clerical culture that forms and fosters this man from
adolescence through his ascendancy to the highest ranks of the
church is a prototype of one kind of product of the clerical
culture. Superiority, secrecy, and power are three elements that
cement the system together; this synergism makes possible the
successful operation of a sexually active man under the mantle of
celibacy. It begins in the seminary.
The use of confession (i.e. the sacrament of penance or
reconciliation) is one of the main factors that perpetuates the
pathology of the system; and this element will be carefully
considered in these Dialogues in the future. Suffice it to say here:
study Greeley’s cardinal and note his use of confession to ease his
conscience, cover his shame, regain his peace of mind, experience
relief, but not to change or reform him. The pattern is established
in seminary training, but lasts a lifetime in the service of
sickness and crime. (The Confession of Crime and the Crime of
The Vatican ordered an evaluation of seminaries in April 2002. That
evaluation of U.S. seminaries is still in process. The problems in
Catholic seminaries are not over, but Rome is stuck on blaming gay
men for problems in the priesthood rather than the culture that
involves the clergy of every stripe, on every level in the church.
According to a
series of press reports in 2005, “an eagerly awaited Vatican
document will bar homosexuals from the priesthood and seminary
training, but the ban will be absolute only for those whose
homosexual tendencies are deeply rooted…Passages from the
unpublished document, said that the Vatican instruction would bar
seminarians who are active homosexuals, participate in the gay
subculture, or show deeply rooted homosexual
The report published by Il Giornale says that men who have
transitory homosexual inclinations would not be excluded
from the seminary.
Since posting Dialogue #1—Sex in Seminaries 09/05/06 I have been
flooded with accounts by priests and former seminarians about their
experiences in Catholic seminaries. The training programs they
experienced include the School of Theology at Catholic University in
Washington, D.C., St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmetsburg, MD, and in
Baltimore, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO, St. Meinrad’s
and St. John’s schools of theology in IN and MN. Not one writer said
that he had an adequate training in celibacy.
response to posting Dialogue #12—Sex in RC Seminaries
07/25/07—several more men who only recently experienced seminary
life wrote about their experiences. These men were seminarians
between 1996 and 2004 at two of the largest seminaries in the
country—St. Charles Borromeo in Philadelphia and St. John’s
Camarillo, California. They report on conditions in these training
At St
Charles the Dean of Men did talk to us about celibacy every so
Basically, his talks were about boundaries that one
should never cross. But he tended to assume that all of students
were straight. His talks were about how one should conduct himself
in the presence of beautiful young women. After that no one ever
really discussed celibacy. Perhaps it was a residue of Irish
Jansenism in a very Irish place, but sex was never discussed in the
form of a conference. It was seen as something between one's
confessor and spiritual director to work through. Still, I was
never asked about celibacy by any spiritual director I had in the
spiritual director, also the academic dean of St. Charles was
removed from the seminary because his prior sexual abuse of a minor
came to light. We students knew the truth, but the archdiocese told
us, “Father is taking some time off to care for a sick parent.” One
formation advisor was carrying on an affair with a woman. He has
since been laicized, along with a spiritual director and academic
dean. I learned that a priest who oversaw pastoral formation
recently completed a prison term for child pornography; and another
priest who supervised students in pastoral ministry was since
removed for sexually abusing a teenage boy over the course of some
Another account
about St. Charles Seminary confirms in detail the previous summary.
Bevilacqua came to St Charles each year and spoke with us
seminarians without any faculty present. One year a student asked
the Cardinal, “How can one know whether he has a vocation to the
priesthood?” The Cardinal said, “Well, I will tell you how to know
if you don't have a vocation. If you are homosexually oriented, you
don't have a vocation. Leave! We don't want you here!” In spite
of that we knew two things: there were men ordained for the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia and other dioceses that did have a
homosexual orientation (the Camden diocese insisted on ordaining men
over the near unanimous objection of the faculty). And some of us
were aware of the rumors that the Cardinal had a mistress.
Some of
the priest faculty had serious problems. Much of what we lived
through has come out in the Grand Jury Report in 2003, the men have
been named, but it was traumatic to be there on the scene.
morning, at Mass, Monsignor William Lynn, Vicar for Clergy of the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia got up in the pulpit and announced that
Father Delli Carpini, one of seminary’s (my confessor) spiritual
directors, “was taking time off to care for a sick father.” Well,
that was a lie. Carpini was undergoing evaluation at St John Vianney
Hospital in Paoli where he was diagnosed with a psychosexual
disorder. My formation advisor, Father Curtis Clark, had been
carrying on affairs with adult women. Both he and my former
spiritual director are now laicized.
assistant director for apostolic formation, Father Matthew Kornacki,
recently finished a prison term for possessing child pornography.
My supervisor during one of my years of apostolic formation
placement was removed from active ministry for having sexually
abused a teenage boy. But Fr Wisniewski (my apostolic formation
supervisor on placement) and Fr Delli Carpini both had abused male
children. Fr Delli Carpini was a genuine homosexual pedophile; Fr
Wisniewski went after teen-aged boys.
first hand report about St. John’s in Camarillo, the major seminary
for the Los Angeles archdiocese, during the same time frame as the
above contains echoes of the atmosphere in Philadelphia. Cardinal
Mahony has said in deposition that he does “not receive homosexual
priests” into his diocese and that he has “never known of any priest
who violated his celibacy.” The view from the seminary looks
At St.
John’s celibacy was not a major part of my training. We did have a
two-day workshop on celibacy and there were some very useful things
said. Every new student participated in this celibacy workshop with
some members of the faculty. Fr. Richard Benson, C.M., the moral
theologian on the faculty gave an excellent presentation on the
morality of celibacy. A married couple discussed the pitfalls of
married life; that marriage isn't a bed of roses, either. But we
also endured a lot of interspersed psychobabble. That was the extent
of direction we received about celibacy. It was a one-time deal. It
disturbed me that celibacy never came up from my spiritual director.
It became clear to me that he had severe emotional problems; he
could not serve in any parish. He was a good man, but he was so
emotionally fragile that parish life was too much for him. The issue
of spiritual direction was a major problem at St. John’s. Priests
who served on the Human Formation Board also served as spiritual
directors. It is a serious situation. Technically, spiritual
directors are forbidden from revealing what they find out in
direction. However, those same priests served on the board that
evaluated us and sent reports to our bishops. We were told that
they did not vote on us if they were our spiritual directors. Many
students were very uncomfortable about this, and suspected that
confidences were not always kept.
seminary should be a place where the bishop sends his best priests.
But it served as a dumping ground for problem priests.
professor was pretty effeminate; he was into bodybuilding and often
strolled around the campus shirtless; some of the seminarians
imitated him. I never heard that he had sex with the seminarians,
but one would call him flamboyant. Another professor was funny and
entertaining, but he clearly had problems with alcohol and seemed to
suffer from depression. The director of spiritual formation was on
his way out of the priesthood. We all knew that the former Rector,
Fr. Charles Miller, C.M., who had been on the staff since 1958,
presided over St. John’s as vise-rector and rector during the 1970s
and 80s. Bishop G. Patrick Ziemann, well known as an active
homosexual, was trained under Miller’s tutelage. During his tenure
as rector many priests who abused the young were ordained.
The seminary did have problems with students
pornography and at least one of them was expelled during the
2001-2002 academic year. And certainly some of the students, like
the faculty, were homosexual. It was hard to trust the formation
priests. Many students learned to keep their heads down and not to
make waves. Seminaries are very political places and do not lend
themselves to being places where the seminarian can authentically be
himself. You are living in a fishbowl where every action is
observed and every action can pose potential pitfalls. A priest who
was trained in Baltimore told me that his director told him he “was
not in touch with his feelings.” The guy was being pressed for
friendship by one of the faculty; the director encouraged him to
respond. Finally he “loosened” up to the satisfaction of the
faculty, but it meant that he was sexually involved with that
faculty member for the rest of his seminary years.
Personally, I do not have problems with homosexuals in the seminary,
and I know that many are there. But I think that the seminary and
the seminarian should be honest with each other. Homosexuals face
different challenges than heterosexuals in seminary life and the
seminary needs to be able to help sort problems out. But the
seminary seems to inculcate a culture of secrecy. From my
experience, the seminary system is fundamentally corrupt and in need
of massive reform. But I very much doubt that much will change in
my lifetime. I have very little hope for it.
It makes great
sense that the Vatican would examine seminary training, but the
conclusion of the priest trained at Camarillo seems to be the
opinion of a good number of priests: the system is inadequate or
corrupt, but there is little hope for substantial change or reform.
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