considering the sexual abuse of minors by priests, or even the
activity of men who hold themselves out as “celibate,” I have
been asked innumerable times “How can they do that?” It is a
good question and one that the Church has not faced squarely.
The self-justifications sexually active priests make for their
activities are more than mystifying and amazing; they remain
rationalizations no matter how they slice it that is:
a defense mechanism whereby people attempt to hide their true
motivations and emotions by providing reasonable or
self-justifying explanations for irrational or unacceptable
behavior. They are astounding, unbelievable and
difficult to listen to. Here are a few:
A priest
consoling a victim after sex said, “Priests are only human.” |
A priest
after anally raping a 13 year-old boy said, “It’s OK. We are
only men. We all have our needs and desires.” |
priest told a young man he invited to his bed, “There’s
nothing wrong with men showing affection to each other
physically.” |
One priest
who attempted to explain to his victim why the anal sex he had
with him was all right said, “It was not a sin, because there
was no chance of procreation—no chance of pregnancy so our
acts were not sinful.” |
another priest invited a young boy with this line, “Priests
need hugs; we are lonely and have needs.” That was the
beginning of a long relationship marked by anal and oral sex. |
There are
multiple examples of priests telling their sexual partner—and
themselves—that the behavior is all about love. “This is an
example of how much God loves you.” |
A priest
told a young girl (teen) he was having intercourse with, “This
will show you how much Jesus loves you, because I am a
priest.” |
One priest
was trying to demonstrate the same point to a young girl he
was abusing when he touched her genitals with what he said was
a consecrated host. |
priest with a twisted interest in enemas—giving and getting
them—told his victims that he was using Holy Water and it was
an “internal blessing.” |
direction and Confession are not neutral or safe areas of
interaction for a person with a priest. A priest can serve a
great number of people responsibly only to have a few he
violates. But violation in that setting and under the guise of
spirituality is singularly destructive. The priest using the
vulnerability of a penitent is particularly culpable. But
priests justify their betrayal by saying, “They (the victims)
wanted it.” “They were experienced.” “I only gave them what they
wanted.” The latter is the recorded statement of a priest who
admitted he had 300 minor victims.
is the excuse for many abuses. The context of seminary training
is the occasion of a great deal of sexual activity that is not
identified as abuse because the priest and the seminary student
are friends. Friendship and common spiritual language justify
the behavior. This same dynamic shows itself between the priest
and women—single or married.
“I was
only trying to give them good sex education,” one priest said.
Another took the same tack, “I wanted to show him that sex was
good and holy.” |
also serves as an excuse for priests’ sexual activity. “It’s
all right for us as long as no one else knows.” “Nobody gets
hurt.” |
One priest
had an elaborate rationalization. He called his intercourse
with a minor girl a “reserved embrace.” He explained that
although he ejaculated he did not give his emotions to the
girl and thus his action did not violate his celibacy. |
Even some
theologians reduce the sexual violation of a priest to a mere
“sin against chastity” (just like every other Catholic) and not
a violation of celibacy. This interpretation is directly
contrary to canon 277 and defies the common sense of normal
people. The average well informed Catholic does not consider a
priest who is having intercourse with a woman or man, let alone
a child, as being celibate. Yet a priest on the Canon Law
faculty of Catholic University (2006) proposed this exact
There is a
very sophisticated theological rationalization that a priest
reported; the famous Jesuit Bernard
Lonergan gave a lecture on the “Single Celibate” in Rome.
He made the distinction between good, bad and indifferent acts
differentiating between actus humanus, (a human act:
that is an act of decision, whose source is in rational
knowledge and free will.) and
actus hominum (an act of a human being that involuntarily
occurs without responsibility; as a natural function). This is
the kind of philosophical distinction that underpins a great
deal of duplicity for clergy.
One priest
had the habit each year of singling out 6th grade
girls to help him in the parish. Laying with one or the other
on the coach and holding them close to him he would have an
ejaculation. When asked about his responsibility he said, “It
just happened.” He further justified himself by saying, “We
had our clothes on.” He insisted it was all right even after
girls said they were bothered because they could feel his
erection. |
Many priests when confronted with their actions plead, “He
(she) must have misunderstood.” This was the excuse Rep. Mark
Foley’s priest-abuser conjured when confronted about his
association with Foley when he was 11 or 12 years old. The
priest, like many other abusing priests, insists that there is
“nothing wrong” with “skinning dipping or sleeping nude”
together. Most parents would insist, “Not with my son you
don’t. Not with my daughter!” |
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